What type of Liability Insurance is right for my business?

03 Aug 2015
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The most common types of liability insurance are, Public Liability, Professional Indemnity and Product Liability.
Public Liability
Public Liability insurance protects you and your business against the financial risk of being found liable for negligence for damage or injury to third parties.  These include:
Professional Indemnity
Professional indemnity insurance is designed to cover the cost of litigation i.e. protects you from legal action taken for losses incurred as a result of your written or verbal advice. Depending on the policy, this may include liability due to; Breaches of contract, or if a client suffers a loss either physical or financial from providing negligent advice. There are many industry specific policies that will cover your individual trade and tasks. Such as Carpenter's insurances,  Electrician's insurances, Builder's Insurances.
Product Liability
This is usually part of the Public Liability policy.  Product Liability insurance is designed to cover you if you sell, supply or deliver goods, even in the form of repair or service.  This may include claims of goods causing injury or damage to third parties from those goods or services sold by you. An example of this for a Tradie is a claim where a cabinet installed fell off the wall and injured someone. As a business owner it is complicated to know what insurance is right for your business.  At Tradesure we recommend that you speak to our professional team to discuss your business and what insurance is best for you.  Ask questions to learn more about insurances to make sure that you and your contractors are adequately covered. Contact us[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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